JMG-APP Pumptrack

The first application in the Garmin store for the practice of pump tracks, with skateboard, roller blade, scooter and bikes.


Six screens are available to you:


- screen 1: main screen (current speed, the number of laps made since the start of the session, the distance traveled, the temperature, the time in stop / pause mode, or the chrono in walk mode, and the GPS signal quality indicator (green = good, orange = average, red = poor or non-existent), and your heart rate with colored heart rate zones


- screen 2: screen of the current session (heart rate with colored HR zones, data of the lap in progress, the number of laps made since the start of the session)


- screen 3 (only for models > 64 Kb of memory): shows the same data as screen 2, but in graphic form, with the addition of the time (in 12/24 hour format) and the current speed (see descriptive image below for further explanation)


- screen 4: mapping screen (compatible models), with outline of the route of the session


- screen 5: screen of the best lap made, on the session and on all sessions combined (alternately)


- statistics screen: session and global statistics (total number of laps, total time and distance, average and max speed, average and max HR)


- end of session screens: displays a summary of the main data obtained during the session


 The FIT file stores the following data:

  • all standard data (distance, speeds, heart rate, calories, etc.) calculated by the watch firmware

- in the form of laps:

  • each track lap with, as recorded data, the time, distance, average and max speed, average and max HR for each lap

- in the activity summary area:

  • duration and distance of the best lap
  • average and max speed of the best lap
  • average and max HR of the best lap
  • the number of laps and continuous laps of the session
  • rating of your session (ranking session)


  • all the options set in the menu are permanently saved into the watch so, no need to configure them each time you launch the application
  • all the metrics are calculated and saved separately for each kind of activities offered by the app.That means that if you change activities within the app, you will get and collect different data on the screen

Note regarding models with semi-octagonal screen (Instinct 2, 2S and Descent G1):

due to their lower amount of memory, and their monochrome screen truncated by the physical circle, the application has the following differences compared to other models:

  • no display of global statistics
  • no ability to assign scores/stats
  • no second end of session screen

Apart from these differences, all the other functionalities are strictly identical to the other models. 


Given its complexity and time spent developing, the price of this application is set to 11 US dollars.

For further detailed explanations, you can consult the detailed images below.


Despite all the care taken in this application, it could remain some hidden bugs, or possible malfunctions. Therefore, thank you to contact me directly by email to inform me rather than posting bad comments on the site, I will then do what is necessary to fix the issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.


Currently unemployed, I develop applications for the Garmin community to stay active and in the wind.

The paid version can be unlocked via my Paypal account (see the link above), with the possibility to pay with credit cards too.


Don't forget to mention, in your PayPal comment or your additional email, your identifier number (displayed on top of the popup screen when launching the app for the first time), in order to be able to calculate your activation code. 


Please, feel free to enjoy !


Entering the activation code


For all watch models, the activation code is entered directly from the application menu:

long press to the UP key (or swipe left on touchscreen devices) then go to "Tools -> Activation Code -> Unlock Code"

When your activation code is not already set and saved into the app, you will find, within this menu, your ID number instead.


Trial period / Testing the app

Users without a registered license have the possibility to start a session and test the application for a maximum of 20 minutes, each day. During this period, all data and metrics are properly calculated, and will therefore be saved into the FIT file.

Arrived at the end of the 20 minutes, the application will then automatically switch to pause / stop session mode: here, you will always have the possibility to browse all the screens (to see the results on the screen), or to leave the session, either saving it or ignoring it.

The duration of 20 minutes can be combined on the same day: 1 session of 20 minutes, or 2 sessions of 10 minutes, etc.


When starting / launching the application

You will be first greeted with a welcome popup screen. This screen, which will be displayed during about 5 seconds, also shows you the current version number of the application, which allows you to see, at a glance, whether it is up to date or not.

Preparing and using the app

- launch the application, like any other application


- first, you should set the application to your needs (background color, units, etc.). To do this, enter the application menu (long press the UP button) and select the parameters at your convenience. All the choices made in the menu are permanently stored on the watch so there is no need to re-enter them each time the application is launched.


 - first of all, you should configure the application to your liking (background color, units, etc.). To do this, enter the application menu (long press on the UP button) and select the settings at your convenience. All the choices made in the menu are stored permanently on the watch, so there is no need to re-enter them each time the application is launched.


- once all the application parameters are set (type of activity, etc.), you can exit the menu to return to one of the application screens


- to start a session, just press the START key the watch


- at the start of the session, your GPS position is recorded automatically, it is this position which will determine the counting of the number of laps. The display of the Loc label. then appears in green, at the top right of the main screen.


- the laps are managed automatically: each time you complete a lap of the track, the number of laps is incremented by 1. As well as the calculation of the number of consecutive laps, without stopping


scrolling between screens is achieved by just pressing the UP or DOWN key. When the wide screen is displayed, UP and DOWN keys change the type of data displayed on the top and bottom fields


- you can pause the session manually by pressing the START key then "Pause" menu, and resume recording with a second press on the same key then, "Resume" menu

(pause = orange dots, active = green dots, stop = red dots)

An Auto Pause feature allows you to pause the session automatically each time your speed drops below 0.6 mph. This option can be activated or deactivated (depending on your preference) via the "Options -> Auto-Pause" menu.


- to end the session, you press the START key, a menu appears, proposing you to either reject or save the session. Then, a summary screen will be proposed to you, summarizing the main data of the session


- to quit the application in stop mode (when no session has been started), click on the LAP button, not on the START button


- the current time is displayed in the following 3 modes: when the application is waiting to be launched, in pause mode, and when the session is active, if the time option has been selected (or the hour - stopwatch display in alternate mode).


Adding a new lap

Each lap of the track automatically increments the counter for the number of laps, as well as the counter for the number of consecutive laps without stopping.

Each new lap recording triggers the popup below, to let you know that the new lap has been taken into account.


Low battery indicator

During the session, when the battery level reaches 5% or less, the background color of all the screens of the application changes to garnet red, telling you that you only have a few minutes of battery life left, depending your device model...


Scores Menu - View the global statistics


Scores Menu - Reset data/scores

You have the option to reset two types of data:

  • only the best scores: your records, better performances. This data is displayed on the "Best Lap" screen
  • all values: the best scores + all the data recorded over all your sessions ("Stat" screen)

Note that the reset is an irreversible function, all data will be lost after this action.


Scores Menu - Assign values / scores

This feature allows you to manually assign a value to the data displayed on the ""Best Lap" and Stats" screens. This can be useful for example in the case of a replacement / change of your watch, and you do not want to loose all your global statistics. The data entry follows the same order as the data displayed on these two screens, to simplify your input.


Minimalist screen

This wide screen presents the essentials and the minimum information on screen, with an extended font (time, chrono, current speed, and colored arches - see the meaning of these arcs on the descriptive image below). This screen is easily readable during navigation, especially for surfers with a visual weakness and who can not wear their glasses in navigation.

This screen is activated in the application menu - Wide Screen -> Display on/off

When it is activated, it is displayed when the session is started and therefore active. When you put the session in pause mode, this screen disappears to make room for all other screens, so you can, for example, see your performance / detailed information when you pause. When you restart your session, the minimalist screen reappears again.


When this screen is selected and displayed:

  • pressing the UP key changes the data displayed in the top field according to the selection you made in the Wide Screen - Top Field menu. On watches with a touch screen, a long press on the top area produces the same effect
  • pressing the DOWN key changes the data displayed in the bottom field according to the selection you made in the Wide Screen - Bottom Field menu. On watches with a touch screen, a long press on the bottom area produces the same effect


GPS constellations (only for SDK 3.2.x compatible models)

If you find that your GPS track is not accurate enough, you can modify, directly into the application, the GPS constellation used by the application. You will have the choice between several constellations, only those which are compatible with your specific watch model, and available on it at a given moment. This option is activated by the menu "Options -> Constellation", and thus avoids you having to do it outside the application, before its launch! Simpler, and faster than ever.

Note: as Garmin updates your watch's firmware, the number and type of these constellations may vary, so check the list in the corresponding menu from time to time.


Features specific to touch screens

On the majority of models with a touch screen (some older models are not compatible with this feature), you can directly access certain common functions via two types of screen shortcuts:

- a short press (just tap on screen) on a delimited area of the screen

- a long press, either on a delimited area, or anywhere on screen

For more detailed explanation of these touch areas and the functions involved, see the descriptive image below.

Quick access menu

On models with a compatible touch screen, and compatible with SDK version 3.4.0 minimum, a long press on the lower right area of the screen opens a quick access menu to certain functions, thus saving you from having to navigate the main menu and its sub-menus to access these functions.


On compatible non-touchscreen models, access to this quick menu is via a long press on the BACK/LAP button.

Features specific to touch screen models

Screens specific to Instinct 2, 2S and Descent G1 models


Minimalist screen

First and second screen

Third screen (graphical screen)

Best lap screen

Stats screen

End-of-session screens

FIT file data